Labels:airplane | audio cd | cd rom | clock | crt screen | door | fan | windowpane OCR: of Cor pora tior in thet Inite iar States traden and'o other ue registere other Explorer logo This CD for also MacoS contains Windows 95 Win PC and Mac Simulations for Mac Machir Mac user please install BDG Pubtishing Ohe Netseape Communicator p:/ www coomedia com before starting the tutorials All Rights Reserved Copy of Mac Communicat Plug Play Ready is in folder "communic 5co' For PC Please open that folder and dou elick on start h.ere file to install After you install the Netscape Comi Please use it to open file mac htm in the CD and then follow the menu to o1 Simple Instructions Tutorial for Mac is desienedt or nelsc ator: 40or Tater ON so please make sure t0 use comm un ica to mae thim not MSIE In.the simulation w Click "Plav Re play to start the simulation. Click "Stonl Pause to stop ...